French Toast with Cinnamon & Cream

bread 4 thick slices

eggs 3

milk 100ml

cream 100ml

caster sugar  2tsp

vanilla extract few drops

ground cinnamon 2 pinches

unsalted butter 25g


Beat eggs with the milk, cream, 1 pinch of cinnamon and vanilla extract to a smooth batter.

Combine the sugar with the remaining cinnamon and set aside.

Soak the bread slices in the egg mixture for 2 minutes, turning once.

Heat the butter in frying pan and cook bread slices one by one until each sides are golden brown.

Sprinkle the cinnamon and sugar on top.

Serve hot with blueberry or raspberry cream.


  1. What can be a replacement for blueberry or raspberry cream as we probably wnt find those in lahore :(

    1. I guess u can find raspberry easily! Otherwise you can replace with strawberry. Roughly mash 100g strawberries fold into 120ml whipped cream without sugar.


Thank you:)